Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Working On-April 2013

Just a few of the paintings brewing in my studio right now.
Butterfly, 11x14, oil paint and Galkyd, unfinished.
Butterfly has been in progress for over a year, but I still occasionally work on it when I feel like it. Trying to do a complete value drawing in black and white and Torrit Gray before adding color in the very last layers. 
Dried Tulip, 12x12in, oil on canvas, unfinished.
This painting is from a photo my mom took of a half dried tulip flower. I started by building up thick layers for each of the petals, sort of sculpture-like, and now I'm adding the colors in.

Strawberry Cactus, oil and Galkyd on panel, unfinished.
The never ending cactus flower painting... At least I finally got the color of the greens right, after way too many tries, now I can move on to the front flower and hopefully finish this quickly.