Sunday, December 16, 2012


I love bats, flying mammals rock. If people could fly, this is probably what we would look like.

 Even though bats are funny looking and kind of creepy, they are hugely important pollinators for many fruits we like to eat, especially mangoes and bananas. They also eat tons of bugs. Literally tons, every night. Unfortunately, many bat species all over the world are endangered, due to things like habitat loss and diseases. The good people at the Lubee Bat Conservancy work to protect fruit bats and their habitats around the world. They were nice enough to give me permission to draw one of their residents, and even sent me some extra pictures. I went a bit crazy and drew him twice, in pencil and pen.
Twister, a fruit bat that lives at the Lubee Bat Conservancy.

Twister II, copic pen on bristol paper, 11x14 in.
Twister, mixed media, pencil, charcoal, and white acrylic on bristol board, 12x20 inches.