Sunday, May 17, 2015

Working on This Weekend- 5/17/15

I finished a few little things this week, that's always fun. All three of them are now available in my Etsy store.
Winter Thistle, mixed media drawing on paper, 5x7 inches, finished.
I've been trying to finish up some of the many little drawings that I have floating around, and I started this one quite a while ago. I started the drawing by transferring the pencil outlines, tracing them with pen, and then scrubbing in shading with charcoal. Tracing with pen works nicely, because it doesn't smear or disappear when the charcoal is added over it. After that I refined the dark areas with more pen work, sharp pencils and charcoal, and added in the white highlights with white acrylic paint. 
Beach Shells, oil on panel, 5x7 inches, finished.
This is another picture I gave up on and put away before finishing. But I tried again, and now I think it looks finished. The sand has shape and interest to it, and the shadows on the shells make sense now. 
Dam Sunset, oil on panel, 5x7 inches, finished.
I love the colors in this one, and after a few tries the grasses look good too.
AZ Aspen, oil on canvas panel, 9x12 inches, unfinished.
Still working on this one, I tried another color on the fence, and this time it looks better. The fence and sidewalk at the bottom still need a little more work, but it's close to done.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Working on This Weekend- 5/10/15

 I finished a few things this weekend, trying to clean up a bit so I can start new pictures.
Dry Wash, charcoal drawing on paper, 10x14 inches, finished.
This drawing came from a photo my mom took in the desert a few years ago, of the patterns in a dry creek bed after a rain. It's charcoal on soft paper, with highlights in white pastel and white acrylic paint.
Beach Shells, oil on panel, 5x7 in, finished.
 I started this little painting about a year ago, and then didn't like how it turned out. But I reconsidered abandoning it and worked on the background a little more. Now it's more finished looking, the sand is interesting to look at and has a sense of distance and shape.
Dam on West, oil on canvas panel, 5x7 in, maybe finished.
 This is a little sunset painting I started a few months ago and then didn't know how to finish. I added detail to the grasses in front and worked on the road today, and maybe it might be done now.
AZ Aspen, oil on panel, 9x12 in, unfinished.
 Still tinkering with this one, the clouds were easy, but the tree and the fence in the front have been trickier. And for some reason the colors are hard to photograph, they come out looking strange no matter the settings. 
Winter Deer Skull, oil on panel, 16x20 in, unfinished.
Working on the grasses in the background of this painting now, but there's still a lot to do, just because of the size.