Monday, June 30, 2014

Tiny Horsies

 My first two attempts at polymer clay sculptures, painted with acrylic inks. Horses, of course. The acrylics were really too thin, and hard to work with. So the inks may not be the best choice, but at this point almost everything in the house that hasn't actively run away has been painted with them. Maybe powdered pastels and fixative will work better next time.
Little polymer clay horses.
Grey draft horse. 
Arabian horse, apparently with casts on all four legs. Poor horsie.
The mane came out looking really cool though. 
The legs were the most awkward part, not sure what to do about that. I put little wire skeletons inside the clay, and the clay had a hard time sticking to it. So maybe I can skip the wire, or bake a few parts at a time.
Also learned the important lesson of doing the most delicate part last. Had a perfect set of ears on the draft horse, then got to messing with another part and realized I had smushed them.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Tiny Elephant

Playing with oil based clay lately, it's fun to mess with and doesn't ever harden.